DedicationINK Jan.2014 | Page 5

Tattoos have been the topic of taboo for years. Why people have them? Meaning behind them? The kind of people who would decorate their body's in such manner. Why they would do this? What where they thinking? Well, this is simply to explain.

In history the tattoo began over 5000 years ago when people in tribes would rub handfuls of dirt, soot, and ash from a fire into their open wounds. While healing, a discoloration below the skin would form where the scare would be. This would be the very first methods to tattooing.

Across history, warriors from around the world would tattoo their skin to show honor, loyalty, strength, endurance and rank. Some cultures would even go to the extremes to tattoo lines and dots around the body in ritual. The Welsh would displaying their clan and fallen with crests a pond their own skin. Aztecs would tattoo certain symbols in particular place on their bodies in religious ceremonies to horror the gods in which they served. There are records that people would gather there young boys in front of the whole tribe and would tattoo them to show the passing from boyhood to become a man. This ceremony still goes on today.

As the year progressed, the understanding of this honored art has turned into a dark, forbidden act of self destruction and disrespect. In the early 1900’s society has band the acceptance of this traditional art, leavening people with the belief that only Sailor, Circus performers, and Whores, were the only ones that would, voluntarily ink their skin. In prison and in consecration camps, officers would brand the skin, tattoos, with numbers to publicly show rank and where in the system they belong. Modern religion has band this display of art but labeling it an act of satanic worship and the ones who act on this will be sent to hell for disgracing God and their temples.

Today the tattoo is a personal symbol, a story placed on the skin so not to hide who we are in society, but to honor what we went through as a person. People today look at themselves as a vessel on this long road of life. With every windy road and curvy pass is a lesson of someone's life. No matter how large or small the lesson or meaning. As you would place a bumper sticker on your car to show where you have been or even a refrigerator magnet to remind you of your travels. A tattoo is a symbol of one's life passing, a landmark of their travels, their lessons and the ones that have touched their souls along the way. Today’s tattoos are also a mark of strengths and battles, covering scares and pain with epic beauty. From the woman who tattoos a chest piece to bring beauty and strength from her double mastectomy. To the man who has a portrait on his arm of his mother that has passed. Even in today’s religion, which felt so strongly ageist it, has now accepted these symbols of religious power and love.

Even though in today’s society Tattoos are popular in trend, there are some that may never fully understand why people display themselves in this matter. They will still look at tattoos as a disgrace, and ask questions why, with turned up noses. But let me leave you with this. The next time you feel the need to express you disconcerts, stop and ask yourself. To throw judgment on someone who isn’t afraid to hide from who they are, but is brave enough to show the world that they are real and has a story to tell.