DedicationINK Jan.2014 | Page 17

Smoking in my pastime is a recreational sport. It something I feel should be legal everywhere it helps so many people. With all the crashes and skids I have been through it’s a way to get past the pain without being completely out of it. I know a lot of people look down on it but I feel what I do is not hurting anyone just all around helping me. I am betting you would rather see me smoke a bowl then take pain killers or act like a stumbling idiot.

At the time I am a welder to pay the bills, though I am good at it I hope that by the end of 2014 I hope to be doing more modeling. I think the best modeling gig to get would be a full time model for some of my favorite clothing brands, such as metal mulish and famous. I have to say though I wouldn’t mind being a free style motocross rider first and then just modeling for bike parts in riding magazines.

When all is said in done I have to say I love where my life is going and the people I have met and got to know in the industry. It is a lot of fun being a part of Inked Infantry and the Dedication INK team.