DedicationINK Jan.2014 | Page 14

I got into modeling in early 2013, I was sitting at a bar and a few girls came up to me asking if I would be interested in taking some photos or coming to a casting call. After doing it a few times I realized it was a good way to meet new people and have a sense of new adventure in life. Other than modeling my real passion in life is my dirt bike and freestyle motocross. I dream to be in the Olympics one day with all the professional riders I have looked up to like Twitch.

I have been riding for many years and it has always come first in my life. They call me skid for a reason, but you can figure that out.

Positions don’t mean much to me but if I had to pick a few things I can’t leave the house without it would be, my truck because it’s how I leave my house, My dirt bike because only time worth leaving my house is when I’m riding or on my way out to have fun with my bike, my music so I have something to jam to on my travels, and red bull because it gives me wings.

What some people would call embarrassing I would say is memorable; I use to have a passion for streaking. I remember one time when I was streaking in a random neighbor-hood just to ruin some dreams and make some memories. I am always up for a good laugh. I am not against looking like an idiot for a good time. I may come of strange for others but I am happy having a good time and letting loose. That’s probably why I am a open stoner.