DedicationINK Jan.2014 | Page 12

I think my favorite piece on me is my back but that's not what I'm going to talk about, even though it's amazing and Manny Lopez 2.0 is a God when it comes to his art. I want to talk about my glow worm on back of my arm. It may seem silly to many but when I was a little Girl my mom got me a toy glow worm and its little face would light up. I thought it was the best thing ever it went everywhere with me. I could remember its face to this day and the comfort I got squeezing it at night. If you ask me today what happen to it I honestly don't know and makes me a little sad but now I have a better glow worm my son.

My son was born 9-11-09 on a military base in Oklahoma. I was in labor for days and it was a complicated birth. He came out still and blue with no breath or screams. What seemed like forever but was just moments went by when I heard a cry and he was ok. After few days in hospital we went home and settled. while relaxing I hear a knock at the door it was the hospital with a machine telling me my sin has severe jaundice and needed to be on a light machine that wrapped him like a blanket. After wrapping him up I looked at his little orange face in his glowing blanket and said "my little glow worm". To this day my family and I still know him at glow worm. So that is the story behind the silly toy tattoo on my arm. Mommy loves you Caleb my glow worm for life.

-Brit Love

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