Dedicated Servers | Windows & Linux Hosting Hypervisors Vs Bare Metal Servers: a Beginner’s Gu | Page 15

Bottom line When all is said and done, there’s no straight answer to the question of which hosting infrastructure to employ for your organization. Every situation is unique. Every project has a different set of requirements. Both bare metal servers and hypervisors have their pros and cons; it all boils down to what your organization needs at the time. Bare metal servers offer all the performance benefits of physical dedicated servers without the contract. They cost way less than virtualized environments, have better speeds, higher processing power and have better flexibility. If your business involves collecting vast amounts of data over a short period of time, then you certainly want to go the beta metal servers’ way. Hypervisors, on the other hand, are great if you are not after the elite performance displayed by bare metal servers. If your goal is to utilize resources and consolidate infrastructure in one computer hardware but still achieve high levels of performance, virtualization is definitely the best option for you. With virtual environments, you can enjoy a high latency, reduced overall costs, mobility and the ability to scale up and or down depending on the requirements at hand. Still, you can create a hybrid solution that ensures you get the best of both worlds and ultimately maximize your RIO.