Dedicated Servers | Windows & Linux Hosting Dedicated Servers- Are They Worth The Extra | Page 11
Virtual Private Server vs. Dedicated Server
In this section we will compare the virtues of a VPS against a Dedicate Server we won’t consider a
shared hosted service because they are targeted at those taking their first tentative steps in establishing
a web presence so will be unfairly judged. The first thing to consider is that VPS are multi-tenant
whereas a dedicated server has a sole tenant. This is a profound statement because if you were to think
about it too long you would probably go crazy. For example, a physical computer has a CPU, memory
and storage of some sort typically a hard disk. But if you are sharing that physical computer with
numerous other tenants how does it segregate your data?
If we go back to the condo example you might think that your data is stored in a safe within your
apartment that only you have access too. But that is not the case in computing as the storage of the
data is communal. What they do is tag the data so that it looks much like one of those storage box
facilities where you have your own private box that only you can access. What’s more all those nice
neat database tables only exist in the data base administrators mind. The problem is that computer’s
don’t store data like that.