December2016 Vol 21 | Page 28

“ What became of the threefold gifts of gold , frankincense and myrrh brought by the Three Kings ?”

Some sources say their remains had been brought from Persia to Palestine at some unknown previous date and that St . Helena found then in the Holy Land . In his travels centuries later Marco Polo said he visited the site of their former resting place in Saveh , Persia just south of Tehran . Helena brought them to Constantinople where they remained until the 5th Century when they were transferred to Milan by that city ’ s bishop , St . Eustorgius I . More than 800 years later , in 1164 Milan was conquered by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa . He took the relics of the Magi to Cologne , Germany and gave them to Archbishop Rainald von Dassel . They were brought to the Cologne Cathedral where a magnificent reliquary , the largest in the Western world , was constructed to house their relics . It draws It draws the devout to this day .
What became of the threefold gifts of gold , frankincense and myrrh brought by the Three Kings ? There are any number of legends and traditions and various chroniclers touch upon this . An enduring tradition is that Mary and Joseph donated the gold and frankincense to the Temple in Jerusalem and that the myrrh was saved and used for Jesus ’ burial 33 years later . The Feast Day of the Magi is January 6 and it is on this day , not Christmas Day , in many countries where people exchange gifts . One tradition kept on that day is taking blessed chalk and writing the initials of the Magi connected with Crosses , over the inside of your front door along with writing the year on both sides of the initials and crosses ( example : 20 C + M + B + 17 ) It is also a tradition that those who receive a Christmas Card with the Three Wise Men keep the card up all year round for blessings .
The Magi / Regina Magazine 15