Issue Number 20 | December 2023
Social Subjects roundup
Trip to the Scottish Parliament
In November , a number of National 5 and Higher Modern Studies pupils were lucky enough to attend a visit to the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh . Despite , the early start and long bus journey to and from Edinburgh , pupils were a credit to Marr College and enjoyed various parts of the visit . We started the day with a tour of the Parliament building , hearing about the different roles carried out by MSPs and some of the design elements of the building itself .
Following the tour , we were shown our seats for that day ’ s First Ministers Questions session , which garnered a lot of positive feedback from pupils who were surprised at how animated the sessions could become . The FMQ ’ s session was followed by a Q & A with South Scotland regional MSP Sharon Dowey who had kindly extended the invitation to visit in the first place . It was a successful day out , enjoyed by all .
S1 History – Battle of the Somme
As S1s approach the end of their World War One topic , classes have carried out an investigation into the Battle of the Somme – known as one of Britain ’ s bloodiest ever conflicts . Pupils have demonstrated their learning about themes such as the failed British tactics , the lack of leadership during the battle , and the exceptionally high death count through creative posters . Please enjoy having a look at some of the work of our S1 Historians . Well done everyone in demonstrating fantastic knowledge , and excellent creativity !