December Newsletter 2023.docx | Page 22

Issue Number 20 | December 2023
Future Fit Skills
During Scottish Careers Week in November 2023 we took the opportunity to embed our tailored skills framework in to our personal support provision for all year groups by introducing ‘ Skill of the Week ’. Every week students are introduced to the Skill of the Week and shown a short video on the importance of the skills and how it might be developed within school and / or the workplace . Students are asked to consider how they use and develop each skill during the week the follows , with a whole class discussion encouraged at the end of each week . Our aim is for students to feel confident in articulating their own skills and their plans for strengthening these . The skills we have covered this term include : communication , adapting , resilience and time management . All S2 and S3 students at Marr College experience two skills elective courses per academic year and our next step will be to help these students identify the skills fostered in each of these courses and analyse the potential for these skills to be transferred across the school and into the workplace .
SCQF Update
At the beginning of December four of our SCQF Ambassadors – Jack , Vivien , Eva and Olivia – presented to the Parent Council on the alternatives to national qualifications offered at Marr College , as well as the use of the SCQF framework to compare qualifications and plan for future learning . Alternative qualifications , such as National Progression Awards , allow learners to gain a qualification at the same SCQF level as a National 5 or Higher qualification , but are often assessed through project based work or internal assignments rather than an external final examination .