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Top Movies , DVD ' s , & Streaming TV
1 ) Here -The reunion of Robin Wright , Tom Hanks , and director Bob Zemeckis ( Forrest Gump ) is ... interesting . A technical wonder , but the graphic novel the story is based on does not easily translate from comics to the screen , as hard as the cast tries to make it work . A noble failure .... Avoid it ! - in theatres ...
2 ) Anora - A new , unique version of the Cinderella story - a young escort in New York City ( Mikey Madison , so good in the underrated TV show Better Things ) meets and impulsively marries a stranger . Turns out he ' s the son of a Russian oligarch , and when Dad finds out about the marriage , he sends his security staff to eliminate her . Absorbing - See it ! ... in theatres ...
3 ) Woman of the Hour - Intriguing first time directing gig for Anna Kendrick , based on a true story . Set 50 years ago , she also stars as an aspiring actress who gets cast in the TV show , The Dating Game , and finds out her potential date is a serial killer . See it !.... in theatres ...
4 ) Heretic - The best Hugh Grant film in years , as he plays totally against type as ultimate manipulator Mr . Reed ... a comic horror movie that leaves you with many questions ... See it ! ... in theatres ...
5 ) Before - Billy Crystal stars as a child psychiatrist who thinks a new patient can connect him to his past . No laughs here - just intrigue ... find it on Apple +...
It ’ s Bear Country ’ s 32nd Annual Christmas Wish
Christmas is just around the corner and Bear Country Radio 99.9 fm is now accepting 2024 Christmas Wish letters from our listeners .
If you or someone you know is in particular need , please let us know . We do what we can to fulfill wishes . When making a request for children , be specific about gender , age , and size . Be sure to include the name , phone number , and address of both you and the person you are writing about so we will be able to get in touch ! This year , we ' d like to continue reaching out to senior citizens and shut ins . Please consider donating snack baskets , arts & crafts , adult coloring books , walkmans , cassette players , or boomboxes , as well as cassette tapes or CDs of music from the 30 ' s , 40 ' s , 50 ' s , & 60 ' s . We will be dropping off these items at places that will accept them .
If you would like to donate , please call us at 570-769-2327 or email us at bear @ kcnet . org . We appreciate your generosity and support .
ON FRIDAY , DECEMBER 13TH , more than 1000 participating merchants will offer free shipping with delivery by Christmas Eve in the continental U . S .
Letters postmarked after 12 / 4 / 24 will not be eligible for consideration . Send to :
BEAR COUNTRY CHRISTMAS WISH P . O . Box 99 • Avis , PA 17721
26 -- “ Good News ” -- December -- www . bearcountrygoodnews . com