DECEMBER '24 - GOOD NEWS issue to publish online | Page 16

7 West Main Street , Lock Haven office : 570-748-3211 cell : 570-295-8233 www . swcrealty . com

--Lock Haven Happenings --

DECEMBER 7th , 14th , & 21st
Small Business Saturdays
Shopping Small and Shopping Local - held in downtown Lock Haven , 9am - 3pm . Area retailers offer sales and special deals - new promotions each week !
Info : 570-748-1576 / lockhaven . org
SATURDAY , DECEMBER 8th Heisey Museum Holiday Open House
Stop by the Heisey Museum , decorated with holiday cheer ! Located at 362 East Water Street in Lock Haven . Refreshments will be served from 1 - 5pm . Public welcome - free admission ! Info : 570-748-7254 / clintonpahistory . org
DECEMBER 7th , 14th , & 21st Visit with Santa Bring the kids to visit with Mr . & Mrs . Claus in the newly renovated Santa Hut located in Triangle Park in Lock Haven ! Saturdays , 1 - 4 pm . Info : lockhaven . org
SATURDAY , DECEMBER 28th Saturday Craftertoons
The Ross Library has a monthly craft program . Held at the library , 232 West Main Street in Lock Haven , at 12:30 on the last Saturday of every month . Craftertoons will feature a different craft every month . The program is free ! Open to the public .
Info : 570-748-3321 www . ross13 @ rosslibrary . org
... in two convenient locations !
Stop by today and let us help you with your real estate needs !


Ways to Save Money for a Down Payment & Closing Costs on a New House : -

1 ) Trim unnecessary expenses , like cable services , gym membership , dining out , etc .
2 ) Open a dedicated savings account and consider CD or money market accounts for higher gains .
3 ) Automate your savings through your employer or bank . 4 ) Traditional or Roth IRAs are great retirement vehicles and allow you to withdraw up to $ 10,000 for a home . 5 ) Down payment assistance programs can offer grants , low-interest loans , and down payments as low as 3.5 % or even 0 %.
14 -- “ Good News ” -- December -- www . bearcountrygoodnews . com

1988 West 3rd Street , Williamsport office : 570-772-6800

7 West Main Street , Lock Haven office : 570-748-3211 cell : 570-295-8233 www . swcrealty . com

" Making coming HOME for the HOLIDAYS a true destination ." Brady Carnahan , Realtor