DECEMBER 2023 Pawsitively Pets issue to publish online | Page 7

- Christmas Trees and Cats -

When folks talk about Christmas decorations and cats , they often talk about the dangerous plants that can sicken a cat , like mistletoe . But there is one important decoration where it and the cat can create a hazard to humans and houses . And that is a full-sized Christmas tree .
Why ? Because cats climb . All cats climb . In the wild , it ’ s how a cat gets away from another animal that is considering them as a meal . Last year , a dog that chased cats got loose in my yard . In less than 20 seconds , I had 2 cats up in the trees at my house . Because of the design of a cat ’ s claws , it is far easier for them to climb up than climb down . Mostly , what they do is back down until they will not hurt themselves dropping out of the tree , then simply jump down .
For them , a big Christmas tree looks like a perfect jungle gym . Perhaps an older cat will leave it alone , but many will want to play among the branches . Real or artificial ? Makes no difference . It looks fun to climb . Dangling ornaments ? Perfect to bat at and knock out of the tree . Tinsel and garland ? Strings to play with and nibble on . All dangerous for your cats , a hazard in your house , and simply deadly to those beautiful ornaments .
So , what do we do ? Here at the shop , we have only tabletop trees . The real evergreens are table centerpieces , and some whimsical trees decorate the house and shop . None of it looks like a good climb , and even Hector ignores the one on the shop counter . There is no room to lay underneath and think about stretching into the tree .
But tradition for many families with cats includes a big , beautiful Christmas tree . What then ? There are a few things you can do to prevent disaster . If you have the ability to separate the tree and the cat , it ’ s the smartest move . You can watch your cat to make certain that they are not in the tree , but that kind of constant vigilance is hard to do for an entire season .
If you can ’ t separate the cat and the tree , make sure that the tree is well anchored , or weighed down . Many years ago , a cat climbed our artificial tree while I was out visiting . The cat toppled the tree and all the trimmings with a crash that my neighbors could hear in the other half of the duplex . What a mess ! Many people will recommend that you hang your ornaments higher in the tree , much like a tree in a house with a toddler . That can be helpful , but they can still climb up to knock them out . The glass balls are then dangerous for both your family and your pet . Finally , tinsel is perhaps the most dangerous item for your cat . If eaten , it can mean an emergency trip to the vet — or worse .
- by Linda Roller , Bookseller , Writer , & Owner of Liberty Book Shop in beautiful downtown Avis , PA .


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Pawsitively Pets -- December 5