DECEMBER 2023 Pawsitively Pets issue to publish online | Page 3

- Karyn Stratton

A Note From The Editor :

If you watch or read or listen to the news these days , it can be pretty tough to maintain a positive attitude . War , violence , harsh , sometimes ugly , divisiveness ... it ' s often overwhelming . People reminisce about the feeling of unity we had as a country following 9 / 11 , at least for a little while . Sadly , that ' s long gone . Friends " unfriend " you , not just on Facebook , but in real life , based on your opinions and beliefs . We are warned to not discuss politics at holiday gatherings . Funny memes on social media instruct us to bring up politics at Thanksgiving if you want to save money on relatives ' Christmas gifts . But every year , for a few magical weeks , a wave of generosity prevails , and hope is renewed . We experience it through our Bear Country Christmas Wish program , which provides for families in need and is now in its 31st year . Support and participation over the past few holiday seasons have far exceeded our expectations , and we want to take this moment to express our gratitude to those who have helped . Because of you , there are children who won ' t have to wake up on Christmas day and wonder why Santa forgot about them . Because of you , a bunch of senior citizens will get a lovely surprise on their doorstep that will make them feel like a kid again ! Because of you , a homeless man in Williamsport who refuses to go into a shelter will receive warm clothing and blankets . And a supply of chocolate milk , which was his answer when asked what he wanted most . So thanks again , from the bottom of our hearts . We appreciate your friendship and support . We couldn ' t do it without you ! Have a beautiful holiday !
- Karyn Stratton

In This Issue :

Pet Calendar of Events ....................................... page 2 Upcoming Pet Events ......................................... page 3 Around the Hydrant : News You Can Use ......... page 4 History of Veterinary Medicine ......................... page 4 Christmas Trees and Cats ................................... page 5 Breed All About It - The French Bulldog ......... page 7 Cute & Crazy Critters ........................................ page 8 Health Highlights : Holiday Safety Tips ............ page 9 Adoption : A Loving Option .............................. pages 10 , 11 Pawsitively Delicious ......................................... page 12 Ask the Groomer - Toxic Holiday Plants .......... page 13 Win a Jolly Dipper Dog Toy ............................... page 13 Wise Words from WAGZ .................................. page 14 Subscriptions - Let Us Fetch Your Next Copy .. page 15
On our cover : " Bella "
Thanks to
Jakob Owens of Tempe , Arizona
for providing us with her photo !
Pawsitively Pets -- December