December 2023 Edition | Page 6

Big walleyes , and really big walleyes , are rare . When someone catches such a trophy it ’ s their decision what to do with it . The resource is part of that process . •


Big Walleyes on the Move in Lake Oahe

Jon Mitzel
here ’ s been a lot of big walleyes caught last summer on Lake Oahe in South Dakota , all of which has aroused tremendous angler interest . It ’ s been busy , even up to ice-up , as walleye die-hards brave wind and cold to get to these great creatures that seem to have suddenly materialized .
Fact is , they ’ re on a feeding binge , mostly lake herring we ’ ve heard , in deep water , as much as 40 feet , as anglers work the old ( Missouri ) river channel with crankbaits . It ’ s been a good time for many folks .
Of course , social media is headquarters for all this activity , including lots of photos of anglers holding walleyes , 12 , 13 and 14 pounds . And also , in line with the “ rules ” of social media , people catching and keeping these big fish are often a target of criticism .
There ’ s reasons for keeping a big fish , but certainly not stringers full . But if you put in the time and effort and catch a trophy , there ’ s certainly nothing wrong with keeping it for the wall . For a lot of fishermen , it might be the biggest walleye of their lives . We see the photos , usually without the details , so we don ’ t know the story .
Veteran Mobridge guide Brent Kemnitz of MoPro Guide Service has been a part of the summer and fall glory of big walleyes and says he highly encourages his clients to release their fish , after photos , often suggesting taking measurements and getting a replica made .
It ’ s just another case of social media ’ s negative influence on our society , I suppose ... a chance to criticize something on an open forum .
Big walleyes , and really big walleyes , are rare . When someone catches such a trophy it ’ s their decision what to do with it . The resource is part of that process . •
Dakota Country Magazine promotes the wise use of our wildlife and environmental resources in the interest of conservation , wholesome recreation and respect for life .
PUBLISHER ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Jon Mitzel mitzeljon @ gmail . com
EDITOR Bill Mitzel billmitzel17 @ gmail . com
OFFICE MANAGER Karen Fischer karenafischer17 @ gmail . com
Dakota Country Magazine 409 Memorial Hwy , St . 1 Bismarck , ND 58504 ( 701 ) 255-3031 1-800-767-5082 www . dakotacountrymagazine . com
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Bill Antonides ..................... Aberdeen Mort Bank ........................... Bismarck Brian Blackwell ...................... Webster Chuck Dieter ...................... Brookings Peggy Hankey ................... Park River Jason Mitchell .................. Devils Lake John Pollman ................... Dell Rapids Patricia Stockdill .................. Garrison Nick Simonson .................... Bismarck
( ISSN-0194-5769 ) ( USPS-471310 ) is published 10 times yearly . Subscription rate per year is $ 29 U . S ., $ 63 Canada . Mitzel Outdoor Publications , Inc . 409 Memorial Hwy Suite # 1 , Bismarck , ND 58504 .
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Page 6 , Dakota Country , December 2023 www . dakotacountrymagazine . com