Member Spotlight Denise Mutamba

Denise Mutamba focuses her practice at Torcivia , Donlon , Goddeau & Rubin , P . A ., on the representation of both private and governmental clients , specifically regarding human resources issues , including disciplinary , termination , compliance , and discrimination issues .
Previously , Denise served as an Assistant City Attorney where she practiced in the areas of labor and employment and workers ’ compensation , and practiced fair housing and consumer rights law for the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County , Inc .
Denise has dedicated significant time to the advancement of the legal profession by serving in various leadership roles with the Florida Bar , including her current placement on the Grievance Committee , and she is the Immediate Past President of the F . Malcolm Cunningham , Sr . Bar Association .
Denise earned her law degree from the University of Miami School of Law and her undergraduate degree , magna cum laude , in Human Resources from the University of Akron .
Most recently , Denise and her husband , Masimba , have undertaken their most exciting challenge yet by becoming foster parents !
Denise and Masimba decided to learn more about fostering in March of 2020 , just before the COVID-19 epidemic changed the world . They attended several educational sessions and trainings ; in fact , one thing Denise wants to impress upon anyone considering embarking on their own fostering journey is that the support and preparation she and Masimba have received throughout the process has made them confident in their ability to be successful foster parents . At no time did they feel as though they were alone or unsupported . They have fostered 9 children at this point , some for months or years , some for only days , depending on the children ’ s situations . In many cases , reunification with parents or other family is the ultimate goal , while for other children , adoption is the best option . While it can be difficult to witness the struggles these children go through , Denise explains that good often comes from dependency proceedings because they serve as wake-up calls to many people who can ultimately learn to become good parents to their children .
In the case of the baby boys currently placed with Denise and Masimba , adoption is most likely the best option , and Denise is hopeful that someday soon she and Masimba will be able to officially make the boys part of their family . For now , they remain hopeful of a resolution and are loving every second of watching the babies grow and learn , as they develop their own individual personalities and strengths .
Denise also wanted to give a quick shoutout to her employers throughout this process who have been incredibly supportive ; especially her current firm , Torcivia , Donlon , Goddeau & Rubin , P . A ., where her co-workers are constantly asking about the boys and their case . She recalls that during her interview , she explained her role as a foster parent and the folks at her firm assured her they were on board and happy to be flexible , and her now-coworkers have lived up to their word in every way .
Denise wants everyone to know a few things about fostering :
There is a perception that foster kids are damaged and have issues or will be difficult , and while of course the children were not raised by you and will therefore have some differences of opinion and habits than you might , most are so open to learning and want more than anything to be part of your family . Agencies provide training for foster parents and extensive ongoing support , including tutoring and therapy for the kids ; the process really is not as scary as people often expect . At this time , the County and State are struggling to find foster parents as the average foster family cycles out every two to three years and many were not replaced in recent years due to the pandemic . Kids are supposed to be reunited with family or guardians within a year , but many end up in care for 2 , 3 , or even 4 years .
For those not ready or able to foster , there are plenty of other opportunities to mentor foster children , especially in group home settings .
If anyone has an interest in becoming a foster parent or getting more involved , or has any questions , Denise and Masimba are more than happy to share their insight and experiences . The information for the agency they work with ( NYAP ) is provided below , along with contact information for Hands and Feet , which delivers items to foster families , relative caregivers , and biological families with an open child welfare case right to their door within 48 hours after a referral is made .
Denise summed up her experience thus far by saying that while not everything has been easy , they have had the tools and support they have needed and her overwhelming feelings about her journey as a foster parent are exciting , happy , and hopeful .
National Youth Advocacy Program ( NYAP ) Phone : 954-637-4650
Hands and Feet Non-Profit Organization Phone : 561-657-0394 Email : bailey @ handsandfeetfl . com