Step 1
Start with a good nospread sugar cookie recipe ( check out the recipes by
CutterCraft ,
Miss Biscuit or
Adelaide Bakes if you need to find a no-spread recipe ). Chill your dough before rolling out to desired thickness on a piece of baking paper or onto a baking silicone mat . Press down firmly all over the cutter to ensure you get a clean cut .
Step 2 Remove the excess cookie dough from around the cutter , before gently lifting the cutter away from the dough .
Geo Cutters available at : www . customcookiecutters . com . au
Step 3 Without moving the cut pieces , use the baking paper or silicone mat you have cut the dough on to transfer the cookie dough onto a tray and freeze for 15 minutes .
Step 4
Once the pieces are firm , you can spread them out on your baking tray and place in the oven . Even if your cookie recipe doesn ’ t normally require freezing before baking , this step is recommended to make sure none of the shapes are distorted prior to baking .
Step 5 Step 6 Once your cookies are baked and cooled , the real fun starts . Assemble your decorating tools and get creative ! These cutters are so versatile , and the design options are endless .
The cutters will suit those that decorate with either Royal Icing or Fondant , and I love using various cookie stamps , edible images , and sprinkles to decorate my Geo sets with .