December 2021 Newsletter | Page 8


Scott ’ s Spot

LADIES : The Ladies Association will hold their Annual Christmas Luncheon on Friday , December 10th at 12 noon . Please sign up for a delicious lunch and lots of merriment . Contact : Suzanne Williams @ 207-730-0060 for more information
SENIORS : There were 37 attendees at this year ’ s Men ’ s Senior Banquet . See Golf Season Snapshot below .
JUNIORS : Scott ’ s junior instructional program ended in early November . Over 40 different juniors attended sessions in 2021 . The overall numbers were down as the kids were finally able to rejoin RARO and other sports opportunities as COVID restrictions lessened . Clinics will pick up in the spring when Daylight Savings Time gives us a bit more evening daylight .
MEN ’ S EVENTS : The Men ’ s Association will resume in the spring . This is a fun group that plays on Thursday evenings during the golf season . Competition is keen with most of the 9 hole games a two person event , using both gross and net scoring .
CLUB EVENTS : The Fall Member-Member was held as a one-day event Saturday , November 6 . A large turnout of 26 two-person teams allowed us to create 3 flights . The golf was followed by a shrimp boil .
Winning the White / Blue Tee division was Stuart Brewbaker and Herb Rubenstein . Their Stableford score of 23 is roughly a best ball of 66 . Finishing second was the team of