December 2020 | Page 8


Quirky Kids ’ Eyeglasses For A Cause

ENSPIRE Contributor : Adam Cetorelli

The Planet CB kids ’ eyewear line launched

in August 2020 , offering stylish and colorful glasses for between $ 25.95 and $ 32.95 . The line is a collaboration between affordable online eyewear retailer Zenni and Coco and Breezy , whose luxury eyewear company gained international notoriety when Prince first wore its “ third-eye ” sunglasses on Saturday Night Live in 2014 . The designers behind Coco and Breezy Eyewear , twins Corianna and Brianna Dotson , were just 19 years old when they started their company in 2009 . As Black women who know what it ’ s like to be bullied as kids and continue to face racism as adults , Coco and Breezy have teamed up with Zenni to give a portion of the proceeds from Planet CB ’ s glasses sales to the Child Mind Institute ’ s Healthy Brain Network , a study that seeks to determine the indicators of mental health disorders in young people ’ s developing brains . Since its initiation in 2015 , the Healthy Brain Network has had over 4000 participants in the New York metropolitan area . Each participant receives a free consultation to diagnose mental health conditions and provide treatment recommendations if needed . With the restriction of Black communities ’ access to healthcare in the US , these free consultations are crucial for maintaining the wellness of some of the nation ’ s most vulnerable children .