December 2020 - Volume 4 - Issue 12 December 2020 | Page 78

On The Pegs 78

On The Pegs 78

Are you a neat person at home ? “ Yes , the truth is that Esther is more so than me , but I try to help as much as I can . Also , I am more about not getting dirty and taking care of things ”.
What subject were you best at school ? “ Whoops ! School was complicated , and I have my mother and my sister who are teachers . Perhaps Physical Education was the one I was best at ”.
Where do you train and how many hours a day do you spend in the gym ? “ With age , more and more time I dedicate to the gym , especially for an injury prevention issue . Over the years I have had to adapt , because at the beginning I spent little time at the gym . I have a fairly simple room at home , with the four things I use the most : I do a lot of stretching , because with so many injuries in recent years , I try to make a post-training recovery that works very well for me . And I also do cardio on the rollers with my bikes . Esther is also a bicycle fan and that