DECEMBER 2020 BAR BULLETIN December 2020 | Page 3



Vision 20 / 20 – Focused on Recovery Step 5 – Looking ahead to 2021 and a THANK YOU to our members , sponsors , and staff .

Dean T . Xenick 2020-21 PBCBA President
What seems like the longest year in history is coming to an end soon and we are looking forward to 2021 . Unfortunately , Covid is still with us , so we need to proceed with caution . But as I write this , two vaccines are on the brink of approval , although widespread use will take time . That said , we are all hopeful that 2021 is the year that we finally start returning to normal .
As we navigate into a new year , the Palm Beach County Bar Association is with you . We will continue to provide valuable courthouse information , CLE programming , and ( safety permitting ) marketing and networking opportunities to help your practice grow .
The Palm Beach County Courthouse continues to proceed cautiously with a return to jury trials and in person hearings . By the time of this printing , we are likely to have another update from Chief Judge Krista Marx on the status of the courthouse operations . We are planning on having another town hall with Chief Judge Marx in January to answer any questions you will have . Please make it a point to attend . The last one we had was extremely informative , I highly recommend you tune in and ask questions . Please also consult the newest Administrative Orders relative to the courthouse re-opening for up to date guidelines . We will also have these Administrative Orders posted on our website , www . palmbeachbar . org , social media , and e-blasts .
As 2021 progresses , we will strive to “ return to or regular broadcast schedule .” Please keep an eye out in our bulletin and website for up to date bar happenings . But here are some of the events we have planned in the first quarter 2021 :
• Recognizing our African American Judges Luncheon – February 18 , 2021 - In celebration of Black History Month , our bar will recognize our African American Judges in the 15th Judicial Circuit at the W . P . B . Marriott .
• Bench Bar Conference – April 2021 - We are full speed ahead with the Bench Bar Conference and are hopeful to have at least some of the events / sessions in a live format , with some remaining virtual . Co-chairs Rebecca Brock and Lauren Johnson and their dedicated Bench Bar Committee have a VERY special surprise for this year ’ s conference . I am not giving away the secret , but suffice it to say , Bench Bar will be totally rad .
• Judicial Reception – April 22 , 2021 - We are in the process of booking an outside venue for this event , which is one of our signature events . The interaction between our top notch bench and bar is fundamental to our way of legal life in Palm Beach County and we hope to continue this tradition in 2021 .
• Young Lawyer Section Golf Tournament – Spring 2021 – due to this being an outside event , we are hopeful to make this as “ normal ” of an outing as possible .
We hope that our members , in increasing numbers , will want to continue with in person events , so we are going to proceed with caution and if you are comfortable attending , we would love to see you there ! But we will continue with virtual events as well , so that we are including all our members .
No matter what 2021 has in store , the Palm Beach County Bar Association will be here to support you and your practices to help you “ Focus on Recovery .” We will continue to be your “ go to ” source for information about the courthouse , to provide valuable CLE programming and education to benefits you and your clients , and to help you network and market your practices so that we are all successful .
As we say farewell to 2020 and enter 2021 with hope and optimism , I wish you and your families a happy and prosperous New Year . I want to THANK all of our members for sticking with us and renewing their memberships . Another huge THANK YOU to all of our GENEROUS SPONSORS , both business and law firms , for their continued support during this trying time and last , but certainly not least , to our “ rock star ” Bar staff for their dedication to our members and to fulfilling the mission of the Palm Beach County Bar Association , “ to serve its members foster professionalism , and enhance the public ’ s understanding and awareness of the legal system .”
And as always , I encourage you to drop me a line at dtx @ reidburmanlaw . com with any suggestions as to how we can do better , whether that be for “ work ” or “ play .” I hope to see you at one of our many planned events soon !