Remembering Our Oath : What Attorneys Can Do to Promote Racial Equality and Be Changemakers for Social Justice
Oaths convey a solemn promise to perform an undertaking . Oftentimes an oath has a sacrosanct significance . In Florida , all attorneys must take an Oath of Admission in which we swear to support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Florida . Through this oath , we have also sworn to be honest ; to never mislead the judiciary or jury ; and to abstain from offensive behavior . The oath also imposes an altruistic duty as social engineers of a sort , as we swear to “ never reject , from any consideration personal to myself , the cause of the defenseless or oppressed , or delay anyone ’ s cause for lucre or malice . So help me God .”
The oath demands that attorneys serve as advocates for the oppressed and condemn racism , inequality , and actions contrary to the ideals of our profession , such as the actions that led to the tragic deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor . Their deaths , and the deaths of other Black Americans in our country at the hands of police officers , have ignited a fire in Americans of all races to take a deep look at police brutality , racial inequality , social injustices , white privilege , racism , and systemic oppression in our community . Citizens are protesting across the country in historic numbers to advocate for justice , equality , and policy reform regarding disparate treatment of Black Americans . So how , in light of our oath as attorneys , can we as attorneys move the needle from protest to action to promote racial equality and social justice ?
The oath we took as attorneys demands that we use our specialized legal skills to act and uphold the promises contained therein to combat racism and advocate for equal treatment of all . We can act both together through local bar associations and separately as individuals . The Palm Beach County Bar Association ’ s Committee for Diversity and Inclusion has formed a Racial Equality and Social Justice Committee to combat injustices and inequality affecting minorities within the legal profession and overall community . Our Committee for Diversity and Inclusion will be forming a committee to explore creating a Criminal Justice Task Force with the goal to bring together and build relationships between law enforcement , legislators , the Palm Beach
County State Attorney , Palm Beach County Public Defender , judges , members of the bar association , community leaders , and mental health professionals . The task force ’ s goal would be to undertake a comprehensive examination of the criminal justice system and provide reports and recommendations for systematic reform .
Individually , we implore attorneys to donate and / or volunteer with racial justice and legal service organizations and conduct pro bono work in their respective practice areas with an eye toward correcting racial injustices . Attorneys can also donate their services to assist with policy reform and the drafting of legislation designed to combat both overt and systemic racism . We should also endeavor to promote a diverse and inclusive environment both in our workplaces and in our hiring practices , and advocate for equality within our firms and offices , not only at the associate level , but also for management and decision-making positions .
We encourage all attorneys to examine their own biases and remember the promises contained in the Oath of Admission . We should use our legal skills and intellect to support the oppressed , be changemakers , and combat racial injustices .
Lawonda R . Warren is a Co-Chair of the Palm Beach County Bar Association ’ s Committee for Diversity and Inclusion . She is also a Past President of the F . Malcolm Cunningham , Sr . Bar Association . Ms . Warren is the Assistant City Attorney / Police Legal Advisor for the City of Delray Beach , FL .