December 2017 Chamber Chatter December 2017 Chamber Chatter | Page 12
Fleet feet are a treat for audience, charity
Thanks to John Walker at the Shelbyville
News for the use of this article.
assing the hat took on a new
“This is an amazing young man,” said
meaning at Dancing with the
Lee of her partner who is the reigning
Shelby County Stars.
Mr. Teen Dance of Indiana.
At the annual fundraiser, people
Lee and Kermode raised more than
wandered through the audience after each $27,000 themselves.
couple performed carrying sequined top
For the dance itself, couples performed
hats asking for donations.
styles ranging from the cha-cha to the
When the gifts were tallied, the “hat
waltz, scored by a panel of local celebrity
squad” had gathered more than $25,000. judges.
The DWTSCS event held at Indiana
Tom Krughoff and Sally Dooley, an
Grand Racing and
instructor, danced the
Casino on November
chacha followed by
11 raised nearly
Mike and Jill Evans
$100,000 in total.
dancing a waltz that
The money is used to
he was grateful to
support Shelby Senior
Services and the Shelby
“The fact that I’m
County Players theatre
here dancing with
my beautiful wife is
“This is the sixth year
amazing in itself,”
for us and we’ve raised
said Mike, who until
over half a million
recently was in a
dollars,” said Angela
special walking shoe
Gill, who again co-
following two foot
hosted the dance contest
Chad Williams photo / The Shelbyville News
with Rafael Sanchez of
Trent Meltzer, as
Andrea Lee and Keaton Kermode, the
winners of the 2017 Dancing with the
RTV 6 News.
with a
Shelby County Stars competition dancing a
jazz freestyle routine.
Nine local couples
large fake mustache,
rehearsed for months
and Julie Baughman
in preparation while seeking donations to danced a musical theater number to a
support their efforts. The dancers in total Spanish beat.
raised more than $71,000.
“Mi amigo, como esta?” said co-host
The duo that brings in the most money Sanchez after they finished, Spanish for,
wins the coveted mirror ball trophy;
“My friend, how are you?”
this year’s winning couple was Andrea
Tobi Hough, M.D., and her husband,
Lee, who works at CoreVision Financial
James, danced an energetic performance
Group and the Shelby County Athletic
to the tune of Robert Palmer’s “Bad Case
Club and Keaton Kermode, a Triton
of Loving You,” while Craig Laker and
Central High School sophomore and
Brooke Lockett danced with basketballs
accomplished dancer.
to “Space Jam.”
After intermission, Suzy Tsataros and
Tyler Hartman also danced a cha-cha
followed by Van McQueen, in a black
wig and Caitlyn Larrison dancing the
twist dressed as characters from the movie
“Pulp Fiction.”
Kassy Wilson and Mike Dooley danced
a tango and winners Lee and Kermode
ended the show with an energetic jazz
freestyle routine.
The closing highlight was when
Sanchez of RTV 6 gathered the crowd
for a video he was going to tweet; he
had everyone chant in unison, “We are
Shelbyville and we care!”
Shelby County
P.O. Box 1129
Shelbyville, IN 46176
(317) 392-6844
Shelby Senior
Services, Inc.
1504 South Harrison Street
Shelbyville, IN 46176
(317) 398-0127
December 2017