December 2013, Winter Issue Vol. 1 | Page 20

Meet ALEX I began painting at the age of 7. I had an Aunt, a professional artist, in Managua, Nicaragua who would let me play with her acrylic paints and give me canvases to explore my creativity. It was from then on my interest for art and painting began to develop. I told my dad my 7 year old "When I grow up dream..." that I wanted to be an artist and he simply said "Honey, most artist do not make money until they die." As I got older those words stuck with me and I began to think what could I get my Bachelors in so I may continue to create? I decided I would get a BFA in Interior Design. My Grandfather has several properties that he designed and had constructed when I lived in Managua ment to a precise square footage as a grade. I realized how much I loved placing the furniture throughout the apartment/houses. I began to design several little homes after that. began to paint professionally. It was through writing poetry, singing, and painting that God began to heal my heart from my past. God has blessed me with the ability to see things and create them into something tangible. I love graphic design, creating graphic illustrations, painting, singing, and