DEC 2023 BAR BULLETIN DEC 2023 | Page 3



Grasford W . Smith 2023-24 PBCBA President
As you read this , Thanksgiving will have already passed . I hope it was a time of reflection on the blessings we have . We are still in the midst of the Holiday Season , a time when our community usually comes together for various celebrations and work slows down temporarily . It is also a time to start planning for the upcoming year .
This year , I have been promoting the “ Quality of Life is the Key to Happiness ” Initiative . This groundbreaking initiative aims to empower individuals with a comprehensive understanding of how a balanced and fulfilling life contributes to overall happiness and well-being . Our first program focused on the housing crisis , and the second program , which took place on November 17 , 2023 , focused on “ Health Considerations for Professionals .” We had a fantastic lineup of speakers , including two medical doctors , a Psychology Professor , and a personal trainer .
My mother , who is a registered nurse , often reminds me that good health is paramount . Discussions about health are always relevant , and it ’ s crucial to expand the conversation beyond physical ailments to include mental health . Untreated mental illness can significantly impact our quality of life .
Therefore , I want to focus the rest of this message on some key takeaways from the Health Considerations program . I encourage you to visit the Bar ’ s website and watch the entire program . The advice offered can truly enhance and prolong the quality of your life .
Here are some of the takeaways :
• Schedule wellness checks with your primary care doctor at least once a year .
• Be cautious about self-diagnosing using unreliable websites .
• Make checking your vital signs a part of your regular routine .
• Pay attention to signs like blurry vision or blood in your stool .
• Avoid overindulging in food or alcohol , including during the holidays .
• Reduce alcohol intake during stressful periods , as stress already weakens the body .
• Connection , competence , and autonomy are essential for human flourishing .
• If you ’ re facing a mental health crisis , dial 988 . This National Hotline has trained individuals ready to help .
• Regular movement under sunlight can benefit your mental health .
• Consult a physician before starting a workout plan to ensure it is appropriate for you .
• Be intentional and realistic when creating a workout plan that suits your lifestyle .
• If you are sick and may infect someone with a vulnerable preexisting health condition , avoid gatherings , even with family members .
• Prioritize prevention when it comes to viral infections .
• Consider wearing masks in certain environments and always practice regular handwashing .
There were many more takeaways , but I wanted to highlight these from my perspective . Another interesting fact learned during the program is that suicide rates are lowest during the holiday season because family and social connections are strongest during this time . This reaffirms the importance of focusing on our family and social connections not just during the holidays , but throughout the year .
As Florida Bar members , we have access to a wide range of benefits , including mental health resources provided by the Florida Bar at no additional charge . I encourage you to take full advantage of these resources by visiting the Florida Bar website .
Wishing you all happy holidays and the best in the New Year .