DEC 2023 BAR BULLETIN DEC 2023 | Page 17



Ted Babbitt : A Lifetime of Commitment & Dedication

In the legal world , where time is a precious commodity and experience is invaluable , Ted Babbitt stands as an unwavering beacon of dedication and knowledge . For 35 years , Babbitt ’ s monthly legal articles published in the Palm Beach County Bar Association ’ s Bulletin in a section called “ The Personal Injury Corner ” have not just been a source of information , but a lifeline for many lawyers , young and seasoned alike .
For most people , including us lawyers , the notion of writing any article is daunting . To write a substantive legal article month after month for 35 years is nothing short of AMAZING ! Retired PBCBA Executive Director and friend of Babbitt , Patience Burns explains that Babbitts ’ s monthly commitment began in the early 1980s after the death of his partner Sam Phillps who had similarly written for the 10-15 years prior . “ His commitment to the Bar is nothing short of amazing . Between Sam and Ted , they wrote monthly for 50 years .”, says Burns . There is that word again … Amazing !
Babbitts ’ s insights shed light on legal issues PBCBA members were currently having in a case or would likely have in the foreseeable future . “ The articles were always relevant ,” says Judge Lisa Small . “ The depth of his knowledge offered us a goldmine of information . The practical utility of his articles was evident in our actions as readers .” Some admit to keeping the entire Bulletin , like Circuit Judge Lisa Small who served as PBCBA President 2003-2004 . “ I remember as Bar President , the President ’ s Message was a monthly commitment . That 30-day deadline to submit the article seemed to come so quickly . The President ’ s Message is only 12 months . When I was President , Ted had already been writing monthly for 16 years . That is dedication personified ”, Judge Small reflects . Other readers meticulously cataloged his articles by subject . For those who solely prefer the digital method of reading , Babbitt ' s Personal Injury Corner articles are available online at https :// palmbeachbar . org / bar-bulletinmagazine . This act of preservation is a testament to the substance and value of his articles . Babbitt ’ s consistency in sharing his knowledge is a demonstration of selflessness and uber professionalism .
What ' s particularly interesting is that many who , including me before this story , benefited from Babbitt ' s knowledge have never met him . In a world where time management is a constant balance , Patience Burns says , “ Ted is a master of time and always prepared before the deadline . His articles were always submitted before the deadline . Still , writing is a huge dedication of time . I looked forward to the articles .”
Hon . Lisa Small ( PBCBA Past President ) & Ted Babbitt
Babbitt recently reflected on his authorship tenure of the Personal Injury
Corner , stating “ Writing articles is not a one-way street of service . In order to write current articles , I was forced to religiously read advance sheets and stay current on the relevant law .” He admits that writing the article also stroked his ego as people often thanked him for his helpfulness in a specific case or that which generally improved someone ’ s legal knowledge . But at its core , Babbit says he “ truly enjoyed the intellectual challenge of analyzing the holding of decisions relevant to my practice and even in cases that were not particularly relevant but contained important reasoning that I thought would be helpful to my readers .” Babbitt humbly stated that writing the articles has been an honor for which he is grateful to the Palm Beach County Bar Association . I assure him , the privilege is ours , the readers .
Often in life , consistency is taken for granted ; it should not . After 35 years Ted Babbitt ’ s retirement from writing the monthly column is well-deserved . The words “ thank you ” do not seem adequate considering the amount of dedication and commitment Ted Babbitt has shown our association , stated our current Executive Director , Carla Tharp- Brown . Thank you , Attorney Ted Babbitt !
We are now on a journey to find other dedicated lawyers to author the column and find new ways of similarly sharing important and relevant personal injuryrelated laws and rules . Babbit ’ s articles will be missed .

Thank you , Ted !

Article submitted by Atty . Salesia Smith- Gordon , founder of Law Office of Salesia Smith-Gordon , a boutique firm which focuses on traumatic and catastrophic injury cases and wrongful death . Salesia is chair of PBCBA ’ s PI-WD CLE Committee .