Dec 2023 ASCE Newsletter | Page 3

“ I don ' t know the future . I didn ' t come here to tell you how this is going to end . I came here to tell you how it ' s going to begin .” – Keanu Reeves as Neo in The Matrix .


As the year comes to a close , it is a time to reflect on what we achieved ( or not ) as well as an opportunity to look forward to the year ahead . Whether a yearend reflection or done on a more regular basis , reflection is key , consider it an early Christmas president to yourself even . In doing so , we allow ourselves to pause such that we can learn from what has happened and give ourselves the opportunity to adjust course in order to achieve our goals or set new goals . It is a time to celebrate our wins , learn from our challenges , and reposition ourselves to be the best version of ourselves we can be . No matter how busy we are it is imperative to find time to reflect , process , and adjust .
Focusing on the good , it was a tremendous year for ASCE NH . Our scholarship program continues to grow , with a record breaking eleven scholarships being awarded in 2023 for a value of $ 23,500 ! I am very proud of our membership and board of directors for prioritizing the educational support we provide our aspiring future engineers . NH continues to be well represented at the local and national level with participation at the National Fly-In , National Convention , President & Governor ’ s Forum , Region 1 assemblies , and the Workshop for Section and Branch Leaders . If there was one downside , we were unable to award a Project of the Year due to a lack of applications , so let ’ s see some submittals next year please ! Looking ahead , our monthly lunch and learn sessions will be resuming , our Younger Member bowling social is weeks away , and our Engineers Day ( a primary generator of funds for our scholarships ) is on the horizon , so keep an eye out as notifications will be forthcoming .
As we close out the year , and this President ’ s Message , I hope everyone finds some time to reflect , and to focus on the positive . It has been a very busy year for the vast majority of us , and with continued economic uncertainties , albeit with a forecast less gloomy than originally prophesied , we can expect the year ahead to be full of surprises . We don ’ t know the future , only the opportunity to begin a new year , so let ’ s make the best of it !
I know you are out there … Nick Golon , PE ASCE-NH President