Dec 2021/Jan 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 75

Sacred Step 1 :
Sacred Step 2 :
Sacred Step3 :
what if I could choose to do this in hunter mode and in human spirit were instead of biting peoples head off I could respond with kindness , love and compassion . I have decided it is worth it for me to do the work to create more joy and partnership in my life .
I ’ d like to share some of the steps I took to discover my own true essence .


Sacred Step 1 :
Grab your journal and take a journey to the past . Go as far back as you can remember and recall the times that you can identify when you wore your feminine mask and when you wore your masculine mask . Get as detailed as possible because there is wisdom in these memories .
Once you feel complete in your journaling , set sacred space to reflect . Ask yourself questions such as , “ What energy feels closest to your truth ?” “ Is there a sabotaging pattern that has shown up in numerous relationships ?” And any other questions that may float to the surface . There are no right or wrong answers — just your truth . These insights will support you in identifying which energy you need to connect with .
Sacred Step 2 :
In your journal identify the times and situations when when you are your most happy , joyful , and playful . Go into detail . Can you identity which energy ( masculine or feminine ) that you are in during those times ? When we realize what our essence is at our core , we can now do things to put ourselves into that essence more often . That knowledge helps us to come back in alignment anytime we are not our true self .
Once you ’ ve identified those activities get them in your schedule . Be intentional with connecting with your true self which in return will bring more peace , joy and gratitude .
Sacred Step3 :
Learn to be aware of what energy you are responding / reacting from when you are having a disagreement or passionate discussion with a partner , spouse , or coworker . Ask yourself---Am I operating from my true self ? It ’ s a great question to ask because once you are aware , you have the choice to choose a more loving , compassionate response that aligns with your truth .
Since I have become aware of Alison ’ s teachings , they have dramatically changed how I choose to show up for each situation . There are times I absolutely must call up on my masculine and show up in hunter mode / human instinct and there are times I want to be in gathering mode / human spirit . I also give myself grace when I show up opposite of how I wanted to , apologize if necessary and make a different choice the next time .
CATHY CASTEEL - As a Neuro-Transformational Coach™ Cathy Casteel is passionate about supporting and empowering highly sensitive empathic women to release the layers of false beliefs so they can find their voice , reclaim their self-worth and begin living the authentic joy-filled life they desire .. Having trained with Tony Robbins , Robert Kiyosaki and Sean Smith , Cathy intuitively merges numerous coaching , leadership and healing methodologies to serve the entire spectrum of human behavior--creating transformational changes in your so you can make long lasting breakthroughs in your life . Learn more at www . Cathy-Casteel . com and be sure to download your free gift set , 3-Step Daily Practice to Shift Your Mindset from Lack to Possibility !