Death of a PB BEFORE April 2008 December 2013 | Page 5

1 Who Is Entitled To Benefits? Widow/widower/surviving civil partner Benefits are payable to the surviving partner to whom the member was legally married/in civil partnership with at the date of death. No benefits are payable:  if the marriage/civil partnership had been legally dissolved  to common-law partners. Children Children’s benefits are payable to each legitimate, adopted or financially dependent child who is:  under the age of 17; or  over the age of 17 but has been in continuous full-time education or in training for a trade, profession or vocation since (their pension must cease by age 23); or  prevented from carrying out a normal full-time job by permanent illness or physical or mental handicap which began whilst a child. Nominee A nominee is a person or an organisation eg charity, nominated by the deceased, on a valid nomination, to receive all or part of any lump sum death grant that may become payable. It is not possible to nominate someone to receive a pension. Estate The estate is the money, property and possessions left by the deceased. It excludes any part of the lump sum death grant paid to the nominee(s). It is distributed by the executor or personal representative of the deceased to the person(s) entitled to it after all outstanding debts have been paid. SouthYorkshirePensionsAuthority 3