#1. Buy from farms that don't use pesticides or fertilizer.
The pesticides that farmers use are one of the biggest producers of algal blooms because of the high concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus.
#2. Wash your car on the lawn.
The soap from your car wash can go into the storm drain and then to the ocean. The soap is normally high in certain chemicals that produce Algae.
#3. Drive an electric car.
This one may seem a little confusing but when you drive a fossil fuel car you are releasing nitrogen which goes into the air, turns into acid deposition, goes into the ocean, and adds to the nitrogen levels in the ocean which causes the growth of algae.
#4. Vote.
Your voting ower is one of the greatest powers you have. You can use your vote towards someone who says that they will help with ocean dead zones and ocean clean up in general.
#5. Petition.
Petitioning kind of goes with voting. You can pressure the government to help wth ocean dead zone. Send letters, start petitons, email senators, do all that you can to pressure the government into helping solve the ocean dead zones.
(Johnson, 2012)
(Mags, 2015)
(Tâm, 2014)