Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 9
Many people have fear of death. Death makes people
melancholy and they sink into misery. Everyone has to witness
death some point in time during his or her life. During such a
time hundreds of questions regarding the true nature of death
may arise in a person’s mind. When he does not find any answers,
he becomes perplexed. People have an ardent desire to discover
the mystery surrounding death. A lot has been written on the
topic, but it is all mere intellectual exercises.
What is death? What was before this death? What is
happening in the dying process? What happens after death? Who
can talk about the experience of death? The dead cannot speak
of their experiences. Those who are born do not have knowledge
of their prior existence. No one knows what happens before
birth and after death. That is why the mystery of how one passes
through the time before, during and after death remains unsolved.
Dadashri, through his Gnan, has exposed all the mysteries of
death exactly as they are.
When one learns about the facts surrounding death, his
fears will be eased.
What should one do when a beloved one is dying? What
is our real duty? How can we improve their next life? What
should we do after the death of our loved one? With what
understanding should we remain calm and balanced?