Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 54

42 Death If as a human one meets a Gnani Purush, then he can acquire liberation. Even the celestial beings have an intense desire to acquire a human form. Through establishing a connection with a Gnani Purush, the body that had been a foe for endless previous births now becomes an absolute friend. It is through this body that you have met a Gnani Purush, so get your work done. Why the Cycle of Birth and Death for the Immortal One? Questioner: But who has to undergo the cycle of birth and death? Dadashri: The cycle of birth and death is for the ego. The Soul is in its own state. When the ego stops, this cycle also stops. Thereafter No Fear of Even Death Questioner: After acquiring Gnan one experiences bliss. Is this only for this birth or for all the births to come? Dadashri: It is permanent. After Gnan, one becomes a non-doer and consequently will not bind new karmas. He will attain moksha within one or two births. There is no choice in the matter. This path is not for those who do not desire liberation. Those who do not like liberation should not take this path. Questioner: Will we remember this Gnan in our next life? Dadashri: Everything will be the same. There will be no changes. Because you have stopped binding new karmas, no confusion will ever arise again. Questioner: So does that mean that in our past lives, we have created karmas, which continue to perpetuate the confusion? Dadashri: In your past lives, karmas were bound because of your ignorance of your real Self and in this life you are