Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 42

30 Death
solved . It is however , hard to understand . That is why all the scriptures tell you to understand the Soul . Now without this knowledge , anything done is done in vain . It does not help . First realize the Soul , and then all puzzles will be solved .
Who Reincarnates ?
Questioner : Who takes rebirth ? Is it the Soul or the life force ( jiva )?
Dadashri : No , nobody has to take it , it just happens . This whole universe functions automatically ; everything just happens on its own .
Questioner : Yes , but who makes it happen ? Is it done by the jiva ( mortal entity ) or the Soul ?
Dadashri : No , the Soul has nothing to do with it . Everything happens because of the jiva . This comprises of the Soul , the causal body and the electrical body . This entity that desires worldly happiness has the ‘ right ’ to enter the womb and when worldly happiness is not desired , it loses the right for a rebirth .
Relationship Of One Birth To Another
Questioner : Is each successive birth of a human linked to the next birth ?
Dadashri : Every birth is the result of previous birth . Therefore the link of every birth begins with the previous birth .
Questioner : But what is the relationship between this birth and the previous birth ?
Dadashri : This current birth is the result of previous birth and the cause of the next birth .
Questioner : Yes , that is true but is there anything that