Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 32
enough to welcome in the Navratri (festival of the worship of
goddesses during the nine days of the bright halves of Chaitra and
Ashvin months)!
Death Will Not Occur Without Your Signature
The law of nature is such that no one can be taken away
from here. Without the endorsement of the dying person he cannot
be taken away from here. Does anyone endorse such a thing?
Have you not heard people say, "God, please end my misery and
suffering. Take me away from this world." They say this because
they are suffering and by saying this, they are making a signature
for their death.
Before Planning Suicide, Remember ‘Me’ First
Questioner: Dada, is it true that when a person commits
suicide, there are seven such future lives for him?
Dadashri: Whatever samskara (subtle impression left on
the mind from one’s longing, actions, etc. or effect of deeds of
past life or lives) is created within, take seven or eight lives to
exhaust. Therefore do not allow any negative impressions or inner
intents to take place. Run away from such impressions. Do not
attempt to take your life, no matter how much you are suffering.
Endure it. As far back as 1951, I told everyone who met me in
Baroda that if ever they felt suicidal, they should think of me and
come to me and then they can do it if they wish. I would explain
everything to them and they would cease from such tendencies. I
would explain to them the kind of causes such acts create and
discuss with them the severe after-life consequences of suicide. I
would succeed in changing their minds.
Consequences of Suicide
Questioner: What life form does one take when he or