Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 23

Death 11 Questioner: My dear brother passed away very recently. Dadashri: He does not think about you and you keep thinking about him? Do you know what it means when a person dies? It means that all accounts (karmic), his and yours, are now closed. So all you can do whenever you remember him is to ask the Lord to grant him peace. Whenever you remember your brother, you should pray for his peace, wherever he is. What else can you do? Under God’s Trust Ask whatever questions you have. Ask about a way to reach God and how to get rid of any obstacles on that way, so that I can get rid of them for you. Questioner: My son died in an accident. What is the cause of that accident? Dadashri: Whatever you see happening around you in this world with your naked eyes; whatever you hear with your ears, is all relative truth; it is not the absolute truth. How can your son be yours when even this body of yours does not remain as your own? It is only because of social and worldly interactions that he is considered your son. He is not your son in reality. In reality, not even your body belongs to you. Only that which remains with you eternally is considered yours. So your belief that your son is really yours makes you unhappy and creates problems. Now that your son is gone, it was God’s will, so you have to let go. Questioner: That is true. What I had was God’s property and he took it back. Dadashri: Yes, this is all God’s estate. Questioner: Is it because of our bad karma that he died