Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 17

Death 5 Total Engagement In Service Of Others Use your mind, speech, body and soul for others. If you use them for your own self, you will reincarnate in lower life form as a tree. In your imprisoned form you will be forced to serve others. People will enjoy your fruits and use your wood. You will suffer as a tree for hundreds of years. That is why God tells you to use your mind, speech, body and soul for others. Having done this if you have any problems, turn to Him. Other Life Forms To Visit Questioner: After leaving the body do you have to come back here? Dadashri: There is nowhere else to go. Right here around us, all these oxen and cows, dogs and cats are none other than our own uncles, aunts and other relatives from our past life. See how they stare at you and sometimes even lick you with love? So do not hurt or harm them. Take good care of them. Return Ticket Questioner: Why is the animal life form, for example, cows and buffaloes an integral part of the cycles of birth and death? Dadashri: For endless lives people have passed through animal kingdom as they rise towards human birth. Of these only about fifteen percent will rise higher. The rest have come here with a return ticket to go back to the lower life forms. People who cheat their customers by selling adulterated goods and those that take enjoyment from things that do not belong to them, all earn a return ticket. All such tendencies will lead to life in the animal kingdom.