Death: Before, During & After... Death: Before, During & After.. | Page 14

2 Death Until now everything you have done, has been done in the name of Chandubhai. Should you not have kept at least something for yourself (pure Soul)? Beware and be prepared to face the great betrayal. At the time of death, nature strips you of your name and all that belongs to that name: your bank balance, property, family and even the clothes on your back. Everything. So then if you ask, ‘What will come along with me?’ The answer is ‘All the conflicts you created with those you met in this life will accompany you.’ Everything is confiscated by nature when you die, therefore should you not do something for your real Self: your Soul? Send Gift Packages For Your Next Life When you do things for people other than your own relatives, when you give them happiness through your donations of food, medicine, or knowledge, you bind merit karma (punya) and will reap the rewards of such deeds in your next life. If you have lived a life of non-violence such that no single being experiences fear from you, this again will reap great merit karma for your next life. If it were possible for anyone to take material things with him into his next life, people would take everything. They would even take out a loan of millions of dollars. So it is a good thing that no one can take anything with him or her. The Illusion Called Maya Maya makes you take birth, get married and it also causes your death. Whether you likes it or not, you do not have a choice in this matter. But it is certain that it is not maya that dominates. You are the owner and so everything has been played out according to your own wishes. This life is the net result, balance