DEAR RP WORLD 1 September 2012 | Page 15

Dear RP World was something almost like a bonding thing a group of roleplayers, Austen, Epic Nguyen and I would use to vent and give each other advice. That wasn't the original idea for the site but we went with it cause it did accomplish one thing we wanted to do and that was help people to the fullest that we could. I have always been one to be there for people and help them as much as I can. So when we came up with this idea I was more than ready to jump on board with it. It died down after a while back on Facebook so for a few months DRPW was closed down. And sadly as many know me and

Austen weren't on the best of terms at the moment either. We

can gladly say now tho that we're rebuilding friendship we

once had and becoming better friends than we were before!

So while rebuilding things with Austen we were looking

back on some of the sites we've done. We both loved the

happy feeling we got talking about and helping others.

It made us both feel good to know somebody cared

enough about our opinion that they would come to us

and confied in us with their issues and want to know

"hey what would you say and or do.", and mostly

it made me feel good to know that I was there to

listen and let them know somebody cares. Cause

we all have those times when we feel like nobody

wants to listen to our problems and help us. But,

that's not the case with me. Cause I know how it

feels and I never want somebody to feel that way.

Ever. I want to help people. I want them to know

somebody does want to listen and know what's

wrong. That their problems ARE as big as they feel

and not to hold them in cause that solves nothing.

Through running this site I hope to show people a

totally different side of me. Not the bitchy

outspoken Titanic but the Titanic that will listen

and give you the best advice possible and make you

feel comfortable to open up and not keep stuff in. I'm

always looking for the positive in life and situations

I encounter. And I will work to help you see the same

thing. Cause life really is a beautiful thing and

shouldn't be covered up by sadness and anger.

Besides me giving out advice on this site I look

foward to showing you all the other stuff we have to

offer and give entertainment to you. Like our unique

take on gossip and interviews. In our interviews we

don't focus on the negative you'd here. We will be

posting a new magazing issue every Monday and

Friday with new stuff for you to read and keep up on.

Stay positive and stay beautiful.