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Broken by Lindsay Haun

I think this song really speaks for itself. The lyrics in this song are so well put together and it does nothing but bring hope to someone who is going through a tough time in their life. I used to listen to this song all the time when I was younger because it gave me encouragment to get up and continue living my life the next day with no regrets. I think we all get to the point where we feel like we can't take anymore, that it's the end of us and that nothing will ever get better, and this song gives you hope that now that you're at the lowest of the low there is no where else you can go but up. It makes me believe that everything that I go through on a daily basis is with a purpose and that as long as I believe in myself and keep in my mind that I will get through this, then everything I go through is a learning experience and it isn't something that I can't handle. In life you are given multiple and multiple obsticles and you have two choices. You can learn from it, or you can die from it. This song gives positive to the negative. It makes you believe that there is hope on you overcoming anything and everything that you are going through. This song has meant so much to me over the years and I hope that this song will touch you the way that it touched me. Roleplay as a whole will always try to break you down and it's up to you to get back up and keep fighting the fight.. "No matter how much your heart is aching, there is beauty in the breaking". -Austen