Deadtide Electronic Press Kit Deadtide EPK 7/11/19 | Page 6

Videos ALTERATION Recorded, Mixed, & Mastered at Werleybird Studios. Directed & Edited by Thomas Tjäder (In Flames, The Hauted Pyramaze, Blinded Colony, & more). Modern Melodic Death Metal. A song that tells the story of a journey back to a positive mentality thatwas once discovered within. A cleansing of the soul through the purging of negativity. Growth and change in a spiritual sense. Melodic Life Metal. 210k + Views Released December 14th, 2018 YouTube: https:// watch?v=pmvwu--Iy-8 BEGIN THE DREAM Recorded, Mixed, & Mastered at Werleybird Studios. Directed & Edited by Thomas Tjäder (In Flames, The Hauted Pyramaze, Blinded Colony, & more). Modern Melodic Death Metal. A song encouraging you to live your dreams, fearlessly, and without limits. Fear, unfed, is powerless. Life without dreams is a nightmare. Metal from The Other Side... 50k+ Views Released October 6th, 2017 YouTube: https:/ watch?v=px3hx98IS54