on YouTube
Deadtide's founding members, Phil (Chrome) and Mike (Mike
Metal), met in 2006. Phil developed a YouTube following of 25k+
subscribers and a total count of over 3 million views; one of the first
metal musicians on YouTube, with Mike joining a few months after.
Other metal YouTubers have come and gone, but Mike, Phil, and
Deadtide are in it for the long run.
“Melodic Death Metal”
Official Facebook Page
Phil (Chrome) and Mike (Mike Metal) also admin
the Official Melodic Death Metal page on
Facebook, with over 140k Likes, one of the largest
largest Metal & Melodeath pages on the Internet.
They believe in the importance of spreading great
metal music to the masses to keep the scene thriv-
ing and metal dreams alive, and love to give back
to the metal community.