Deadtide Electronic Press Kit Deadtide 8/17/18 | Page 4

Sound & Mission The tasteful use of pounding rhythms, thunderous double-bass, soaring harmonies, atmospheric and horror-style synthesizers, and vast-ranged vocals from harsh to beautiful to powerful, embody the diversity of Deadtide. The band focuses on composing catchy hooks that refuse to depart the minds of listeners, while remaining versatile, heavy, dark, haunting, And emotional, and while still managing to deliver positive, uplifting messages. In a world full of ears fatigued by bands that sound exactly like each other, and whose music sounds uninspired, a cure is always present, though most may never realize it. Unsatisfied with the generic, Deadtide strives until they've achieved what they find so many other bands to be lacking today; true substance and artistic vision. With Phil and Mike being difficult to satisfy aurally nowadays, they would much prefer to write some- thing striking to them, themselves, at the level of their own high standards, because they know that listeners will enjoy it that much more. They have their fingers on the pulse of metal listeners. They know what metalheads want to hear and how to slice through a sea of noise. They recognize that it's all about injecting little nuances to make a passage shine. It's time to give back to the music world for all that it's done for them in their own lives. Deadtide hungers for something more; roots that reach deep into the heart of the best of melodic death metal, breaking through the soil with the additions of other subgenres' sounds, with a goal to blossom into something new for metal, and for music in general. Ripe with ideas ranging from the simple- creative, to the grandiose and spectacular, Dead- tide yearns to do great things, simultaneously infecting audiences with feelings they'll never forget. Mike's lyrics seamlessly blend themes that range from life and death, to space and the universe, to the energies and forces seen and unseen therein. He employs all the literary devices possible, alongside truth and myth, fact and fantasy, to paint vivid pictures within listeners' minds, as well as to convey powerful and profound concepts. Balancing relata- ble and novel concepts keeps things ever-interesting. By inspiring listeners and encourag- ing them to broaden their own knowledge on much of what school will not teach, the concepts serve to shatter realities and shift paradigms in the very ways his own have over the years. Above all, the lyrics induce thought outside the listeners’ realm of comfort, and propel the imagination into uncharted reaches, effortlessly. In a world being invaded with mind-shrinking technology, Deadtide desires to inspire you to think. In a world so full of lies masquerading as truths, Deadtide wants you to question everything. In a world so numb, Deadtide loves to make you feel. To make you feel just how alone you are in a universe full of death... And surely... full of life beyond what we know. Full of more than we could ever imagine. Full of mysteries beyond what we could