Recently I had gotten the chance to interview one of my Max: I like to do them you know, it's fun to work the different side of Soulfly that comes in every record. I think
all time favorite musician MAX CAVALERA !
it's quite interesting to work on those songs.
This was unbelievable, since he's an absolute idol for
me. I deeply admire Max and his wife Gloria for what DD: So, what made you not put another one in new althey've done for heavy metal and I found them to be bum?
very humble and of course really cool.
Max: Yeah, on the last two records, it just came out on a
Dave Deedevil: Hey Max, this is Dave calling from Iran. B-side special edition because the album was so heavy
and you know that it will affect the heaviness of the reMax: How you doing man?
cord and we thought it'd be good to let the fans have
DD: How are you, thanks for allowing me to take your choice if they want to get this instrumental song they
can get special edition. The album was very heavy from
the beginning to the end. I think
Max: Yeah man no problem,
that was a cool idea because lot
let's do it.
of people who like the instruDD: How's your tour going ?
mental song can get the special
edition and those people who
Max: Oh yeah doing fine,
don't care for it can just get the
keeping very busy you know
our tour just finished. The
American tour was really
DD: Let's take you back many
good. It was really awesome
years ago. Who inspired you to
we were playing like an hour
practice harsh vocals for the first
an 45 minutes and we're so
time and musically what brought
excited for the big European
you there writing 'Bestial devastour. We will go to Russia and
tation', far different than any
it's going to be a whole year
thrash records back then?
tour and we got two records
Max: I decided to thrash when I was very young you
coming out this year 'Killer Be Killed' and 'Cavalera Conknow. That was the beginning of Sepultura listening to
spiracy'. I'm excited about that too.
some cool thrash like Exodus, Testament, Kreator, DeDD: Speaking about ‘Cavalera Conspiracy’ how would struction and it was great , we loved the energy and agyou describe it?
gression of the music, I liked their thrash and it was the
Max: Very brutal! it's very fast. it's going to be some kind combination of Motorhead, Iron maiden, and GBH. I
of Grindcore record. It's not entirely Grindcore but it's liked it very much and I think there's a lot of