Wylde never left my cd player.”
hit in the face with uncontrolled punches for 3 minutes, let
them do it! After the 3 minutes is up they will be back at the bar
DDR: I had the opportunity to speak with Sasha from KMFDM spending money....everyone is happy.”
and he discussed how concerts have changed, meaning fans
were able to get involved in the energy of the music with pits DDR: We have seen the Black 13 break out of Texas on a few
and such back in the day, but now you see venues stopping the occasions, what should we expect from you in 2014?
pits and trying to control the crowd. With The Black 13 having
such a heavy and aggressive sound and energy, what are your Jeff: “2014…we plan to release our first official album. We have
EPs out, but this is going to be something special for us and for
all of our friends out
Jeff: “Yes…I’ve seen
there who are fans of
this happen before
the music. We are
at a few places, not
also planning on
really during any of
going up north and
our shows…we enplaying some shows,
courage pits if it
and we’re hoping to
get going on this
also encourage eveTexas tour for this
ryone to look out for
summer, but notheach other, that is
ing is set in stone
what it’s all about,
just yet as far as that
enjoying the mogoes. I don’t want to
experimake any promises
ence. To fans, music
that we might not be
is like a medication
able to keep; howfor those of us who
ever, things are
have a hell of a hard
looking good as of
time all week and
now. The way I am
have been waiting
looking at 2014…
for that moment to
knowing what all we
let it all go and just
have to do, I can
release whatever it
already see the end
is that’s going on
of the year closing in
on us. It’s like there
somebody just steps
just isn’t enough
in and immediately
time to do everytakes that away. I understand the safety reasons, but you thing we want, and so we’ll just take it in stride. We have some
know…they enter at their own risk, it’s nothing new. These peo- shows coming up throughout the Houston area all the way thru
ple for the most part watch out for one another…anyone who till November as of now, with more shows pending. We always
goes to these shows and participates knows this and have enjoy seeing all of those familiar faces at every show, so we’ll
known this for many years. It’s all about the experience, but it just keep doing what we can and get as much done as possible.”
seems some of the best experiences one can get at one of their Cody: “Texas tours and even heading through Ohio.”
favorite concerts are slowly fading away. That needs to change… Brian: “The Texas Tour and Ohio visit…”
leave them alone, let them enjoy their concert that they paid Rocky: “I'm hoping this year we can hit up more places around
their hard earned money to go to and participate in.”
Texas. As far as out of state…it’s a very good possibility we
Cody: “The crowd will do what they do. Feel what they feel. could be doing some traveling this summer.”
When I look up and see a swarm of people rockin a circle pit
and people jumping to the beat, that feeds us energy and we DDR: Are any new songs or albums in the works and are there
give it right back to them.”
any release dates you can share with us?
Joey: “We’ve never had a problem with that. We had a pretty
good pit going at the Hole for our Halloween show. We had one Jeff: “No release dates on the album just yet…things keep getrun in with that, but we witnessed it during another bands set. ting set back, but for good reasons. We do however have some
It wasn’t us, but it was still bullshit. What do you expect at a new songs, we’re always writing newer tunes. Some of them will
metal show? They need to understand that no matter what it be on this album and we will also start playing them at our
looks like, it’s not a damn fight! We’re all friends and we’d do shows as well…but then again, some of them, nobody will hear
anything to NOT fight with each other.”
until it’s time for us to go back into the studio for our second
Brian: “We love pits and we love it loud…the fans do also! If you album. ”
can't enjoy a show, then what's the point of going to venues that Cody: “We are currently in the works of finishing our first acset these limits? It limits who visits and can cut into their prof- tual album. No specific release date has been set just yet, but
continue with your patience and you won't be let down.”
Rocky: “I say the clubs need to hire bouncers that can handle a Rocky: “We have a couple of new songs that haven't been
group of drunken dudes and teenagers. It’s obvious if someone played live yet, but they are awesome. One could possibly beis getting out of control and need to be removed from the bar. come a crowd favorite quickly. A full album is in the works and
It’s also obvious when people are having a fucking blast, just let "crossing fingers" may be out before summer. When it is finthem have fun. If a bunch of guys are at a bar spending money ished it is going to be killer…it’s definitely something for all the
and they want to go out on the floor and flail around till they get guys in the band to be proud of.”