For a city that is ever changing , how do we predict what Dubai will look like in 20 years ? This was the task for five architectural firms in this multimedia showcase . Aligning with The Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan for a sustainable urban development , these concepts focus on being human-centric , with the
practices , Beyrac Architects , Dabbagh Architects , MEAN ( Middle East Architecture Network ), RMJM Dubai , and Tariq Khayyat Design Partners , responding to four themes : Mobility and Transportation , Public and Recreational Spaces , Accessibility to Infrastructure , and Eco-Tourism .
Floating Retreat by Ardh Architects
Abwab ( translating as ‘ door ’) is an annual feature of Dubai Design Week that supports talent from the MENASA region , and features pavilions that respond to themes such as human senses and socio-political barriers . Fittingly for this pandemic recovery year , the inspiration for Abwab is regenerative architecture and restorative design . For this , Dubai-based Egyptian architect Ahmed El-Sharabassy ’ s winning installation alludes to the local ecosystem :
the desert ’ s constant motion and the city ’ s t r a n s f o r m i n g a r c h i t e c t u r a l landscape . Under the lightweight canopy that is made using recyclable , sustainable materials , the public can gather and enjoy an exhibition that also engages with the topic of regenerative architecture .
Abwab 2021 winning architectural pavilion , ‘ Nature in Motion ’ by Ahmed El-Sharabassy
November - December 2021 Edition // Design Essentia // DE INDIA | 13