DDS™ - The Proven Data Connectivity Standard for IoT™ Nov. 2016 | Page 7
DDS Admin Domain (Cloud)
DDS Central Domain (Fog)
System Supervision, Monitoring, Processing, Local Storage, Historian
DDS Control Domain (Fog)
Subsystems, Control, Processing, Alerts, Work units
Machine Domain (Edge)
Devices, Machine Elements, Sensors
DDS systems can span from Edge to Fog to Cloud. At the edge they can be used for high-speed real-time machine to machine communications. Within the intermediary system they can provide robust, reliable QoS and content-aware information flows. Integrating these
systems DDS provides scalable access and distribution of information all the way to and within the cloud.
The OMG DDS architecture is designed to be scalable from small devices to the cloud and for very large systems.
DDS enables the Internet of Things by scaling across thousands or millions of participants, delivering data at
ultra-high speed, managing many thousands of data objects, and providing extreme availability and security.
DDS simplifies distributed systems development by absorbing much of the complexity in a single, standard
communications layer.
The IIoT requires fast, reliable, secure communication architecture. While there are many
standards in the IoT and the enterprise, none besides DDS provide the performance,
reliability, and security required by first-class industrial infrastructure. RTI already has
experience with 1000 applications, ranging from huge power systems to intelligent
medical networks to autonomous driving. The DDS standard is proven to provide what
these real-world systems need to join the intelligent, connected future.”
- Dr. Stan Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Real-Time Innovations
Analytics, Trends, Elasticity, Big Data, Enterprise Integration