CAL3K Features
The improved calorimeter system requires no water - that means no more leaks , spillage or measuring as the calorimeter has no water bucket . The new Isobatic calorimetry method combines the benefits of the Isothermal and Adiabatic methods to produce extremely accurate results at the highest speed possible . The Bayonet Oxygen Bomb Vessel is automatically filled and de-filled inside the calorimeter ( only in the CAL3K-AP calorimeter ). There is no need for an additional filling station as everything is done automatically inside the calorimeter . The dual language mode allows for English and one alternative language with help in different languages . A new features in our next generation oxygen calorimeters is the support of a mobile / smartphone device . A smart mobile device can now connect via Bluetooth and interface with the calorimeter to give you up to date information straight from the calorimeter . The CAL3K features full LIMS support for the assignment , scheduling and tracking of analytical samples and the associated analytical workload , as well as the storage of data associated with sample analysis .
The CAL3K can be applied in the coal , petrochemical , medical research , cement , power generation and animal feed research industries . The CAL3K can also be used to analyze coal , coke , oil , foodstuff and biomass products and is applied in power plants , coal mines , metallurgy , the chemical industry , for commercial inspection and scientific research . The use of multiple bomb vessels minimizes the waiting period by preparing the second bomb with a sample while the current sample is being analyzed . Up to 10 bomb vessels can be prepared and used in the CAL3K-AP system with routine sample determination . We recommend 2 bomb vessels per system .
A Greener Future
The CAL3K Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter ' s small carbon footprint takes a step towards a greener future with lower power consumption . The calorimeter and cooler can run on 7AH ( Amps per hour ) for about 4 hours , and in the event of a power failure the calorimeter can run on a 12V battery .