DDN_September_2024 DDN September 2024 | Page 22



It ’ s only by working with each other that we make a difference , says Jinna Sidhu

At Change Grow Live , we were thrilled to be part of the DDN Conference again this year , themed ' Stronger Together '. We were proud to play a significant role in an event that brought together service providers , national organisations and individuals with expertise and lived experience to share ideas and celebrate the power of collaboration .

The event was a dynamic blend of inspirational speakers , interactive sessions , and engaging debates , along with a variety of other activities that enriched the experience and highlighted the collective passion for improving substance treatment services .
Throughout the day we handed out information and guidance about our services and harm reduction initiatives , but we also took the opportunity to engage with other organisations and discuss upcoming projects . It reaffirmed our commitment to involving service users at the heart of everything we do , and to bringing together voices from across the sector .
Our own deputy chief executive , Nic Adamson , was a key speaker ( see page 17 ), delivering a powerful message about the importance of meaningful service user involvement ( SUI ). Nic highlighted that SUI is not just a nice-tohave part of what we do – it ’ s an essential element of our work .
At the heart of Nic ’ s presentation was the argument that SUI doesn ’ t just improve services – it saves lives . One clear example of this is the peerto-peer naloxone distribution programme . Opiate overdoses remain the leading cause of preventable deaths among
Nic Adamson : ‘ The DDN conference is one of the magical days of the year . Being surrounded by so many amazing people , who all share a passion for meaningful involvement and making a difference , is such a privilege . We celebrated things that have worked well , but perhaps more importantly , we shared ideas for how we can do so much more . The important thing is that we don ’ t leave the energy in the conference , and that we continue working together – to make sure that we grow user involvement and make it meaningful across the sector .’ users , and by putting naloxone in the hands of those most at risk through peer networks , lives are being saved .
Our commitment to service user involvement goes beyond naloxone distribution . Several other initiatives – such as our veteran support working group – have demonstrated the tangible benefits of working alongside people with lived experience . This group , led by veterans who have experienced substance use , helped us sign the Armed Forces Covenant and develop pathways that have increased veteran engagement with our services by 87 per cent .
As Nic put it , ‘ It ’ s the right thing to do , it ’ s the reason for our existence , it should be our DNA and heartbeat .’ She emphasized how involving people with lived experience improves outcomes for individuals , enhances services , and helps direct scarce resources to where they are most needed .
Nic also paid tribute to Bernie Carr , a passionate advocate for service user involvement who spent 14 years working with Change Grow Live . Bernie was instrumental in establishing our national lived experience group ,
where he tirelessly supported efforts to make services more inclusive and effective .
The conference wasn ’ t just a celebration of what has been achieved , but a call to action for what still needs to be done . Looking ahead , we ’ re committed to doing more . We know that we don ’ t have all the answers , but we believe that by working together , we can make a real difference .
All of us at Change Grow Live look forward to continuing this journey , and we are already preparing for the next chapter of collaboration and growth in 2025 .
We ’ d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the organisers and to our dedicated team who attended and supported the event , highlighting the collective effort that made the day a success .
We ’ re dedicated to ensuring that everyone has a voice , that stigma is challenged , and that lives are transformed – and we believe that the best way to achieve this is through collaboration and partnership . As a sector , we can achieve more together than we can apart .
Jinna Sidhu is marketing and communications lead at Change Grow Live