treatment options and being openminded , non-judgemental , diverse in our offering , and through outreach – meeting people at their point of need .’
The drugs sector in the 1990s had ‘ more of a wild west feel , an energy ’. Ten years later it had obviously become more professional but had also lost some of the initiative – a lot of outreach work had disappeared with recommissioning and the later move to public health . ‘ In the pandemic there was lots of great outreach work – including giving out naloxone – but it was being done by homelessness and housing charities ,’ one delegate stated .
‘ It ’ s about trusting people who take drugs . In Wales we have
peer-to-peer naloxone , which means making sure that people who are taking drugs – and so are more likely to be there when someone overdoses – are given the tools and training to deliver naloxone . And give the drug dealers as many needles as you can , to keep people safe .’
‘ I ’ ve been impressed with what happened in Birmingham in the COVID year . Our drug-related death rate was 20 per cent lower than in 2019 – and that ’ s because we had the outreach . Go to people where they are , and help them to get whatever they need .’
‘ If peer-led initiatives are given sufficient support , they bring connection and hope .’
‘ Through Turning Point I was introduced to a peer-led
recovery community called Dear Albert , and my whole journey from there to now has been in that community . If it wasn ’ t for people with lived experience I wouldn ’ t be here today .’
‘ Peers enable relations with hardto-reach communities , eg the traveller community .’
‘ The peer group initiatives that work are those that are loved by the people involved .’
‘ Peer-led hospital in-reach and prison through-the-gate are so effective .’
‘ Lived experience is needed everywhere – services should adopt a person-centred approach and not treat people based on their coping mechanism . Ask about them , not the alcohol and drugs !’
‘ Peers can identify areas – hot spots – that are prone to homelessness and drug use , and work with other partnerships for better communication .’
‘ Peer-led recovery means lived experience working alongside professionals .’
‘ Peer-led work offers outreach , lived experience , and a humane approach .’
‘ Do not work in isolation , work with peers . We are all social changemakers after all .’
More and more jobs at drug services were now requiring DBS ( disclosure and barring service ), one participant explained , as they involved access to vulnerable