DDN Rehab Guide 2019 DDN REHAB DIR 2019_June | Page 11

Routes to RecoveRy Home or away? There are several important factors to take into account when choosing location MANY PEOPLE SEEKING HELP FOR THEIR ADDICTION LOOK ABROAD TO FIND TREATMENT. There are hundreds of treatment providers based all over the world, many of them in exotic locations, and the current exchange rates mean that prices of overseas residential treatment can be very cost-effective. Travelling abroad also gives individuals space to recover in a new environment, away from chaotic lifestyles, and give an added boost to wellbeing. Before deciding on what centre is right for you, it’s important to take into consideration the regulations and culture of the country where you are looking before undergoing treatment. In the UK, rehabs are monitored and inspected by the Care Quality Commission, and issues with members of staff can often be resolved by the Federation of Drug and Alcohol Professionals. Each individual country will have its own system of inspection and regulation, and it is important that you ask about this when booking anywhere. Ensure you speak directly to individual rehabs, rather than through a third party, and ask them about how they are regulated. Articles and opinion pieces in DDN have considered one treatment environment over another – with the only fair conclusion being that any successful treatment has to be tailored to the individual and their circumstances. For some, the best option is to be given respite from their normal routine by ‘getting away from it all’ to concentrate on an intensive treatment programme; for others it is essential to keep the links with home life, so attending a local service is more practical. www.drinkanddrugsnews.com ‘I certainly think that if people do need residential detoxification and residential rehabilitation they should stay as near to home as they can. We do recover and we can get well where we got sick. When we are “recovered” or “in recovery” and walk through our local shopping centres, people who know us, who drank and used with us but are stuck in the madness see us, they can connect to hope.’ Mark Gilman, Discovering Health ‘As with thousands of other people facing the challenges of overcoming addiction, I had a serious relapse – time for rehab. I began the search in October and come March, I was walking up the drive to the therapeutic community where I stayed for 20 months. It was a therapeutically difficult and painful experience, but one which I am so grateful for.’ Owen Baily, gambling expert by experience ‘The urban recovery model allows for individuals to recover in real life situations, while being in a secure and supported environment… Building your recovery capital locally can make leaving treatment a much less scary prospect, as you are leaving with a plan of support that you have already begun engaging with.’ Danielle Robinson, service manager, Acquiesce Rehab Guide 2019 | drinkanddrugsnews | 11