Sheffield, Sefton, Barnsley and Durham
Supported Housing
We provide housing related support to individuals
to develop the skills required to manage homes, live
confidently, remain in recovery and ultimately achieve
independent living.
We also deliver group-based activities to support
clients to promote health and wellbeing, employability
and active-citizenship.
The services are open to both men and women and
provides single, self-contained accommodation.
The services focus on housing-related support and
developing the skills required to sustain a tenancy,
recognising this as a key factor in maintaining recovery.
Littledale Hall
Lancaster • Therapeutic Community
Littledale was established in 2006 and has been
consistently recognised by CQC and commissioning
authorities as a provider that delivers a high standard of
innovative and evidence-based care to people recovering
from addiction. The model at Littledale has evolved
through 25 years’ experience and addresses all the
key elements associated to an individual’s addiction.
Littledale offers each resident an opportunity to develop
a greater understanding and insight into the complexities
of their addiction and we believe all residents can be
empowered to make positive life choices.
Mount Carmel
London, 12-Step
Mount Carmel is a centre of excellence for alcohol
treatment. We deliver safe, supportive, and non-
judgemental help through both residential and day
Although our focus is alcohol, we also address the
many other addictions of our clients, including drugs,
food, gambling and exercise.
Our prices are very affordable, and over 35 years we
have helped more than a thousand clients to get well
and to change their lives.
For more information contact our Admissions Team on
[email protected]
Nehemiah Project (The)
Kenward Trust (Part of Choices)
Kent • Therapeutic Community
Kenward Trust is a residential Therapeutic Community
working with men, and women offering expertise
in dealing with Drug and Alcohol Addiction through
recovery, resettlement and reintegration programmes.
Retaining aspects of the Recovery Model of treatment
delivery, alongside a wide range of activities with both
therapeutic and skills based training in our Social
Enterprise, which will allow people to take evidence of
recognised training skills with them into the work place.
Livingstone House
London • Therapeutic Community
Birmingham • 12-Step Are you Serious about your recovery?
Livingstone House provides a family environment where
Service Users can access help for their addiction, using a
12 Step Programme, in conjunction with any alternative
therapies that support recovery. This will include
providing detoxification for addictive substances in a
controlled and medically supervised environment via
an agreed clinically indicated detoxification protocol all
facilitated within the 12 Step Programme. The Nehemiah Project is an abstinence-based charity
which helps men recover their lives from a cycle of
addiction, offending and/or homelessness. You can
break this cycle with our professional support and move
on to recover and rebuild your life.
Following treatment, Service Users who have completed
the programme benefit from after care for up to three
months and beyond if required. Livingstone House offer
an open door policy.
Nehemiah might be for you. We will help you take that
next step into the community.
We have 4 houses in London – 14 first stage spaces and
9 move-on spaces.
Narconon United Kingdom
East Sussex • Detox Centre
Ley Community
Oxfordshire • Therapeutic Community
The Ley Community makes recovery real by providing
the ideal therapeutic environment for lasting change.
Everyone leaves us with everything they need to
succeed first time; employment, accommodation,
extended aftercare, and well established peer
networks. We don’t just point them in the right
direction, we ensure they reach their destination
New Leaf Recovery Services Ltd
Birmingham • Detox Centre
Perry Clayman Project (PCP)
Nationwide • Detox Centre
Priory Group
Nationwide • Eclectic
The Nelson Trust
Gloucestershire • Eclectic
Providing both a mixed sex house and a women’s
only service The Nelson Trust offers abstinence
based treatment utilising a holistic package
incorporating the development of recovery capital
alongside relapse prevention with a trauma informed,
gender responsive individualised package of care.
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